Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shelay is 1....

Shelay's mom requested a numeric '1' cake for Shelay's birthday celebration and we were delighted to be able to do it for her! This cake was quite a challenge actually. We decide to carve out the number instead of buying the normal moulds from shops.

I had wanted to do a nice green classic buttercream as base but this cake will be transporting to the north...we knew that the buttercream won't be able to last for the long travelling period. So chocolate ganache is the next best option!

This cake is in lovely aromatic orange flavor, made with 100% orange zest ( without any artificial flavoring) and it goes so well with ganache. I love that the cake retained it's moistness and texture. Banner and all flowers are all handmade and handpiped by us.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Good Old Marble Cake

Who doesn't love the simple but delectable Marble Cake? Trying to fulfill my cravings of this good old cake, I bought ready made cakes from my nearby bakery store recently and sadly, it lacks the buttery taste and depth. And it is overly dry too.

Unsatisfied, I decide to whip up this fairly simple cake over the weekend so that I can enjoy this with a good cup of coffee or tea. I absolutely love the texture of this cake and it have a good amount of moistness to it.
Really, nothing beats to having your own homemade cakes at home!